
Showing posts from January, 2020


Mies-En-Scene- Everything you see on screen. Lighting: High Key Lighting-Minimal Shadows-Lights The Face-Quick And Easy Too Set Up. Low Key Lighting- Monday 3rd February 2020 The mise en scene (of a photo taken in a music video of Taylor swift) shows she is rich and she is queen. Q:How does the mise-en-scene create meaning for the audience? P - Point:Taylor Swift’s pop superstar celebrity image is promoted in her music video through media language. E - Evidence: (e.g of costume, colour, lighting etc) For example, the costumes look like they costs a lot and took a long time to make. E.- Explain: This suggests that she is very wealthy and that she is quite powerful. E - Expand: What else can you tell us about the video that backs up your point? She shows wealth and her celebrity status again when she is standing in front of her golden jet. Wednesday 12th February 2020 Camera Monday 24th February 2020 lighting: High key Low key Dark high contrast ...

Music Video Theory

Performance clips-Simple and direct Conceptual clips- Jay-z and beyonce in this vid show that they have a lot of money which is shown by there garments and it also has the concept that the are the king