Television,Industries and Audiences

Publicly Owned Tv Channel: funded by government and license fees for the public services.

Commercial Tv Channel: funded through advertisements.

Convergence: process of joining different technologies into one device. E.G. mobile phone

Watershed: times when adult content (15+) can be shown . between 9pm and 5:30 am

Segmented market: audience divided into different groups depending on taste and interests

Mainstreams ; mass audience; the ideas attitudes or activities that are shared by most people and regarded s normal conventional

Self regulating: not regulated by outside bodies.

Franchise: license from company of a product to use format/show /ideas.

Channel-surfing: changing frequently from one program to another on a television, watching each one for only a short time.

PSB: Public services  Broadcasting; regulators demand channels fulfil certain requirements as part of their license broadcasts.

Tv License: any household or business watching, recording live broadcasts require to pay a license fee. Funds the BBC.

Scheduling: deciding which shows to show at which times.

Conglomerate: a company tat owns several smaller business whose products or services are usually very different.
